Friday, January 7, 2011

I have learned that boys are truly odd!

I really enjoy my boys, sometimes I enjoy when they are not at home.  Tonight for example they are having a sleep over at our very more-family-than-friends the Jones'.  I am sure they are having a blast and will hopefully not render their home a wrecked mess.  We are so blessed to have such close Godly friends, we are surrounded by such blessings!  It's awesome.

Sometimes I worry that my friends may find out how....let's say different my kiddos are and maybe wouldn't want them around so much.  For example......

Once when the boys were about 5, I got a new frisbee type toy and L kept asking where I "buyed" it.  I told him I "bought" it at Walmart and he said what's that mean?  I informed him that "bought" was the proper word for "buyed"  and he said "Oh like Spanish?"  So yeah at 5 they were bilingual.

Tucker age 6ish declared he was never getting married because he wasn't getting a baby stuck in his throat!  I guess our explanation that babies grow in their mommy's belly's was confusing.

When asked if they were bathing thoroughly, they were scandalized to learn that the expectation was that their actual armpits were to be scrubbed, I won't even tell you the reaction that the area between the butt cheeks was also required to have a thorough cleaning.

"Mom, your face really looks better without those glasses."~ T

After observing an odd stain on the sleeve of a shirt I leaned over saying, "what is that?"  The reply, " Um, yeah, do you have a tissue?"

T  to L- "Would you rather fall into a pit of snakes or a pit of llooovvvee?"
L  to T - "Will Lydia be there?"  "Then llooovvee"?

"Mom!! Landry hit me hard in the chest!!!" -T
"I did not hit him hard."-  L
M -Why must you hit when he does something you don't like?"  "He said he knew...."  "I didn't say that..."  "Well you looked it!!!"  "Mom he looks like that all the time and it is ANNOYING!"

~nudges mother awake from pleasant nap~  "MOM!  you snore sooo loud!" -L

"No offense mom, this is disgusting...."  statement preceding 10th, 11th, 12th....ejection from the dinner table.

"I want to go to school."-L
"If I go to school I can take care of all the bullies."  -L
"How do you plan to do that"  -M
"With my fists and if that doesn't work I will take them to the principal." -L

"...and as you boys are growing, your bodies will change and you will get start to get  hair in unexpected places like ******...."
"Can I just throw up now?" -T

After an evening of fighting and an enforced session of sharing 10 things they love about each other, I inquire...  "So L, what did you tell T you love about him?"    "I love that he looks like me."

"Mom do I have to apologized to EVERYONE i asked for money?" -L

"If I were a king, instead of having people bow to me, I'd have them dance.  'Cause that'd be more fun for everyone."-T

"Wow mom, you aren't usually this not mad before you had your coffee."-T

You get the idea, my guys are funny and boy can they keep it real.  It's okay to be jealous......

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