Tuesday, January 4, 2011

It's nice when you don't need to be perfect.....

It's the new year and here I am off to a stellar beginning.  I mean some of you probably think the reason I haven't changed my blog background is because I am to flaky and haven't taken the time.  When in actuality the reason is that I haven't the faintest idea how to convince my computer that this is a good idea.  I don't know what happened but somehow I cannot even visit that part of the blogger dashboard and I cannot view my blog stats from this computer, weird huh?   So there you have it I am not lazy and distractable, I'm just inept at such matters.

Once upon a time, I felt that if I didn't know how to do something I was somehow less of a person or in someway stupid.  I really had a hard time acknowledging anything I couldn't do or skill I didn't have.  I am pretty sure I was all jacked up on pride and self importance.  Thank goodness I got over that, do you have any idea how much effort takes to pretend you know everything?  It is exhausting!  I finally decided to embrace what I can do and for those things I can't, cultivate good friendships.

Should you ever need to know.......

I can sew, craft, cook, nap, take long baths, entertain children, shop, make cute headbands, generate random small talk, ask invasive questions, make messes, drink lots of soda and coffee, plan a great party, snore, talk to my kids, get excited about little things, see both sides of a situation, crochet, read quickly, love fiercely, enjoy solitude as much as I love crowds and several other things.

I cannot fix an engine, paint (as in landscapes), arrange flowers, put a worm on a hook,  program a computer, repair a vacuum, solve complex math problems, make baked beans or biscuits from scratch, write everything on my calendar, knit, solve most logic problems, hide my feelings, care as much as I should about world events, dust with regularity, control the urge to call stupid people stupid, manage to put my shoes away, flute a pie crust well, snap with my left hand and so many other things.

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