Sunday, January 16, 2011

In no particular order.........

It's been about a week since I posted, so I thought I should get you all up to speed.

First of all you will be happy to note that I haven't been overwhelmingly compelled to kick Scott.  So my toes are intact.  

We played some cards, we let Ben win since it was his birthday.

We enjoyed a nice evening out with Ben and Kendra.  At the book store we thumbed through a "revolutionary" diet book.  There was fascinating information within those pages.  It said fat people usually exercise less than thin people and shockingly, as it turns out they also tend to eat more than thin people.  I am telling you this book held some real ground breaking material!

I folded approximately 16345 loads of laundry.

I sewed a Father Christmas costume for a play.

I tried to annoy as few people as possible but really how do you keep a record of that?

I noticed that Scott finds it amusing when I have strange sensations such as, he will touch my nose and my chin itches.  I think he should be worried that I have this bizarre nerve condition, he could someday be solely responsible for making sure the children arrive at adulthood relatively unscathed.

Scott has shoulder pain I think it will go away during golf season.

We have been working with the boys on good hygiene,  particularly showering well.  Apparently they did not see the need in washing armpits, since those are all closed up.  So we covered all the areas that need a thorough cleaning.  Before the next round of showers Scott took them up and they had a dry run tutorial.  So you can all rest easy in the knowledge that despite many and prolonged complaints the hair, the pits, and the great divide of all the boys are all being effectively cleaned.

I had an occasion to use inverse in a sentence and I am quite certain I used it properly.  If I could remember the sentence I'd tell you.

Did I mention that Allye is in a play.  I am helping with the costumes ergo the Father Xmas sewing.  I had to buy some fabric and notions so I went to Joann Fabrics.  The Eastgate one is moving so the current store is closing, which translates into SALE!!!!   I got about $310 worth of fabric for $70.  It was very exciting!

I decided that I want an Ipod Touch or a Kindle for my anniversary,don't you think it's very thoughtful of Scott to want that for me?

I keep hearing a weird sound in the house, Scott doesn't seem terribly concerned so I will just wait until he is asleep to obsess over it.  If I am killed in my sleep(assuming I am able)  he can feel guilty for the rest of his life and be unable to to form close attachments forever after.

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