Thursday, September 30, 2010

I really hate being a fraidy cat.....

Not sure who is aware of this but can be a real scarrdy cat.  Okay so I can't spell that made up word, don't judge.  I am sometimes afraid of failing, of illness, of not being a good mom, of punching a deserving person in the nose sometime....  I am also very afraid of animals.  Not dogs, I have a dog, he is great.  Currently flea ridden, but great.  Cats I am getting better but it has to belong to someone I trust and it absolutely cannot make hissings noises or stare at me.  There is no explanation for this fear it just is, and because of the irrational origins it is extremely irrational in its demonstration.

For reasons I will never understand or possibly forgive, my parents allowed Preston to keep as a pet, IN OUR HOME, a baby squirrel that was rescued in a garden shed after hurricane winds.  I have never spent so many weeks thinking my parents hated me.  I am pretty sure this is when the anxiety issues plaguing me today took root.  I think they lie dormant until when, like that crazy squirrel Chester,  they leaped out of nowhere to pounce upon me and cause my heart to palpitate in the most unpleasant ways.  Well Chester died and unfortunately my fear of creatures, especially rodent like creatures, did not.  Years later my dear friends Steve and Dawn, clearly they were on drugs confused, had a pet ferret.  Talk about testing a relationship!  Maybe that is why their son Jake is my favorite kid, his arrival meant Duke the scary pet was GONE!

Well this morning, I thought I saw an animal in my peripheral.  I looked up quickly but it was just a trick of the eye or something, because nothing was there.  Then I saw it again, just the quick sense of movement.  I needed Scott so I stood on the couch and called for him.  Now our house is pretty small but adequate, the issue is that all of our space is vertical.  So the kids sleep up stairs our room is in the basement and the living room in in between.  Do you have any idea how hard it is to call in a "I'm in a bind and need you dear" voice loud enough to wake Scott but not the children?  Let me tell you, it can't be done.  So I stood on the ottoman, to be closer to the basement door, no luck.  I stepped across to the love seat and then like a grownup I climbed to the safety of the bar.  As I knelt on the bar I was so glad I'd lowered the blinds....turns out I  lowered didn't close them...Anyway, still no success getting Scott not your early morning hero's attention.  I thought well I could use some fortification from coffee but I DO NOT want to walk past the spot where I saw the creature. What to do what to do...AH HA!  I stepped to a chair picked up another and set it closer to the coffee pot and then another, all of this chair lifting before coffee was very taxing.  Finally I made it to the coffee pot and then I had to figure out how to get back and not spill.....

Unfortunately, after getting safely back to my spot I saw it again!  It seemed bigger this time.  Don't you think I would have heard it as well as seen it in my powerful pre-coffee, allergy eyed peripheral vision?  Which kinda leaves as the only solution, hallucinating.  This is not good.  I mean who, without the aid of mind altering drugs, hallucinates about largish rodents moving stealthily back and forth from her bathroom and kitchen?  I think it is clear what is going on here, repressed issues from having to live with a probably rabid squirrel.....

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

present for Momma..

This, although not a great photo is my present for Momma's birthday.  She likes signs and hates whining....

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

My Momma at 60......

Today is Momma's birthday.  She is 60 years and you know what's terrible about it?  People ask if she's my sister...Well good for her and she does looks great but really???  I can't imagine ANYONE asking if Allye and I are sisters.

My earliest memories are just fleeting images and sensations.  I remember loving to lay my head on her lap and she would repeatedly tuck my hair behind my ear until I fell asleep.  I remember getting in her bed in the middle of the night.  I remember her teaching me to fear cats and mice.  I remember her always making my favorite cake for my birthday, Texas Sheet Cake!   I know she gave me a very happy childhood because when I go to antique stores and resale shops I see toys, dishes, pictures and such, and I want to weep at the good feelings and memory that fills me.

Back in the day....

She taught me many important things.  These are just a sampling...
Iron your clothes.
Love my husband and let him know it.
How to cook.
The proper way to fold fitted sheets.
How to freely open my home to anyone who needs to be there.
Give when you can whatever you can. 
She is still trying to teach me not to worry over what I cannot control.
Do not force your bad mood on others.
Being patient doesn't mean we will eventually get our way.
It's okay to be affectionate in front of my children.
I am not always right.
Body language screams.
God doesn't always give you easy choices.

When I got pregnant for the first time she was thrilled.  I can think of no one better suited to grandparenthood.  Despite the fact that there is no question she indulges my kiddos, she has always fully respected our choices as parents.  She was NOT a fan of our decision to let the kids "cry it out"  when we were training them to put themselves to sleep.  Never did she criticize or try and undermine.  My children are under the impression that Gramms is the place to be for treats and special attention.  I love that!

I often think she spoils me more now that I am an adult than when I was little.  When the boys were born she would come over every night at 3am to help me feed them and sometimes she'd recruit a buddy so I could sleep.  I wonder why she didn't think she ever needed a break?  She is the queen of buying me "happies"  if she sees something she thinks I'd like or have said I want she will pick it up as though it were the most natural of things.  She does everything in her power to facilitate my doing what I enjoy.

If I had to use only one word to describe her it would be SELFLESS, said with an echo for emphasis.  She shares with everybody without thinking it's a sacrifice.  I bet she feeds 20 people or more a week without considering that it increases her grocery bill tremendously.  People just walk into her home, make lunch and leave, often not cleaning up after themselves.  Once they even ate the food she had planned to serve her family for dinner!  Crazy but you know she doesn't complain, or even boast a little....

If I ever grow up I hope to present God as effortlessly and consistently as her.  Thank you Momma for being a great mom, Gramms and friend. 

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Fun day for the guys....

On Friday Scott and Gpa set off on their adventure to delve into the Huston family history.  I served them up a big breakfast it have everything except pancakes.  I know what a slacker! 

They took off around 8:30 and returned  about 12 hours later.  I am not sure all that they got into but despite a wild goose chase in the woods they seemed to feel the day was a big success.  We tried to keep busy while they were gone but I am sure we did nothing as exciting.  Scott sent a few pics along the way....

Apparently David Huston was important!

It would be cool to know what these said.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Crafty Sabbatical.....

So maybe saying I've been on a "Crafty Sabbatical" is a bit dramatic, but I haven't made anything in over a week... I finished this last Saturday.  My sister commissioned it to give as a Christmas gift for her friends.

I was going for tasteful home decor for die hard Saints fans...

Scott suggested using the sheet music...I thought is was a great idea!
Anyway I am feeling the urge to make, sew, create!  This project is what has whispering in my ear lately.  I finally found the cheese plate and dome $1.50 at the thrift store, YAY!  So now I need to decide on a color of paint and base...

Thursday, September 23, 2010

FIshing with Grandpa!!

Like I said Grandpa is visiting.  The boys are soooooo excited.  About an hour before his arrival, they stood at the window in the play room on the look out.  When he FINALLY got here, they ran out, grabbed his bag each arm and escorted him into the house.  Then they proceeded chatter all at the same time trying to out do one another in volume.  We sat down for dinner and  as we were talking Landry informed Gpa that he is very popular, he should visit us more to keep his ego in high form.  We ate buffet style and while Gpa was fixing his plate he snuck a cookie, not very sneakily since everyone saw him.  Anyway this cracked Tucker up and he declared this to be the funniest dinner ever.

We took Gpa to church which was fun, we've talked about him so much people we very anxious to meet him, see he IS popular.  We as usual were among the last to leave....

This morning, I was called away before coffee..MOM!  While sitting in Momma's living room we saw Gpa out for a morning stroll, 7:30 ish.  Seconds later we see a streak of orange (Landry), then a streak of blue (Tucker), then a streak of grey (Ash).  No alone time for Gpa... I can sympathize.  While on their morning constitutional they planned a fishing outing so after having breakfast to a chorus of "When are we going fishing"  off they went.

Unsuccessfully digging for worms...

Since the plans to dig their own worms didn't pay off they had to go buy some, Gpa told them to "Load up!".  Tucker said, "Hey our dad says that, Did he learn it from you or did he teach it to you?"

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Having a visitor this week!!!

So Grandpa is coming to visit us tomorrow!  Grandpa would be Scott's dad and we are very pumped about the visit.  As of now the plans look to something like this: Wednesday afternoon arrival, dinner then church, Thursday Scott is taking him to work with him and they will be pouring concrete(fun stuff huh?) Friday they will be going to fill in some gaps in the genealogy research grandpa started last year.  Saturday will be a cross country meet so Allye can run her heart out for him, Sunday church and football and he has to go home on Monday.

This will be his first time to come see us without Mano.  I am feeling the loss of her acutely as we plan this visit.  I know that he will miss his traveling companion as he has missed her everyday.  I always look forward to their coming so I can catch up and play with her.  Let me tell you about my mother in law....

Her name is Shirley Huston and I know of no one who did not love her.  She had such a spirit of fun and life and to be with her would boost your day immensely.  She had a desire to honor God and did this with seeming ease  through her marriage, family and service.  She was a tireless worker and always looking for some new way to use her talents to benefit someone.  Family was her primary source of joy, she loved her children, grandchildren, her brothers and sisters in-law, her nieces, nephews and beyond. 

My first meeting with Shirley was an introduction to a woman that would become my family and my friend.  We spent the time together shopping, playing games, working puzzles and golfing.  I was a nervous wreck at the prospect of spending the week with Scott's parents but they made me feel like I belonged within moments.

Delighted with our plans marry, she often made me feel like the daughter and Scott the in-law. When Allye was born she came in at grandchild number 13, by the time the boys were born they numbered at 18, 19, and 20.  When she died the number was 22 and a few weeks following her memorial service number 23 was born.  All of them precious to her and all could be thought of as the first.

She was so unselfish, one year Ed wanted to take a "baseball trip", with Scott not her.  So the guys put together a plan, it involved visiting 6 or 7 MLB teams at their home ball parks, a visit to Cooperstown and despite the fact that I felt it was "off-theme", the National Football Hall of Fame as well.  Well when the time came for the big trip Mano and Grandpa, flew in to Cincy, rented a car and spent 2 days hanging out with us.  Then the guys loaded up the rental and headed off for their adventures in Pittsburgh, Baltimore, Boston, New York, Cleveland,  and Cooperstown.  Mano got to stay in Pleasant Plain with me and my six year old and 3 two almost three year olds.  Fun stuff!  We did exciting things like sat in the heat at the water playground, sat in the heat in the back yard, and Mano even got to change 9,257 diapers.  Yes I know we were slow to get on the potty training bus.  Anyway we did also go the Newport Aquarium and that was fun, once we managed to get the frightened toddlers past the giant shark in the entrance.  Later when they'd talk about the trip, you'd think she was the one who had the better time, she'd say "I got to be with you..."   The guys wanted to do it again, on a different coast, and she wanted the two of us to join them this time.  I would have loved that!

My children used to be afraid of dogs, big time!  whenever Mano came, they would pretend to be dogs, ask her to pretend to be afraid of them, and then one of them would comfort her.  She thought that was hilarious.  Mano was ALWAYS cold, and I always tend to be hot.  When visiting us she brought along a jacket and we kept a blanket on the couch for her to snuggle, I will miss that.  At her house I wasn't allowed to make coffee because I make it too strong, I will miss that.  She always liked my cooking, I will miss that. We always made the guys play cards, I will miss that.  She always had stories to tell me about her ministry work, her clogging and her girlfriends, I will miss that.  She had a remarkable way of  making me feel exciting even though I know I am dull, I will miss that.  I miss her and I hate that as we sit in our living room this week I will not be able to stop myself from looking at her spot on the couch and  feeling the void that her absence creates. 

After her diagnosis, she was continually upbeat and positive.  Her original prognosis was not good and as it worked out it was pretty accurate.  We were all crushed but she carried us along with her attitude of  "God's got this".  We went with her to one of the first  visits with the specialists in Houston and at that appointment they gave her her chemo/radiation options and schedule.  I asked her if she was scared, she said "It is so weird because I know I ought to be but I'm not.  I guess I know God will do what is the best thing even if I don't like it."  I want that kind of certainty that "God's got it all!"  I never saw her cry through the pain or frustration that none of the treatments we changing things.  I did however see her cry once because she wanted to share with her kids how wonderful her prince was.  It was so important that we know what a good, Godly man Grandpa is and how he demonstrated his love for her, and it moved her to tears.  I've had a crush on Grandpa for years now it's cemented forever.

I know our time together will be blessed and I hope Grandpa will feel the same!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Well they weren't awful.....

So i looked around the internet and came up with a recipe for fondant.  I love love the smooth look of this stuff.  I always try to smooth out my frosting and it is never exactly right.  It is usually kinda bumpy and I feel like I went to all the trouble and mess for nothing....

Landry has recently been working on his skateboarding skills and so I thought I'd make him a skateboard cake.  I was not completely happy with the wheel placement I felt with the wheels on the "ground" it resembled a car too much.  Scott thought that they should go on the ground and he really helped me a lot today so his idea won.
Blue is one of his favorite colors.
The other side says "Rocks"  'cause Landry Rocks

Ash loves Luigi!  I know he loves all the Mario characters but Luigi wears a green hat and that speaks to his soul.  Probably because green was his assigned color as a baby, toddler and preschooler....  I dabbled in fondant for this cake, I had no trouble covering the cake but the decorations were trickier since I do not think I had teh consistency down.  I think he favors Mr. Potato Head....
Tucker has always been a loyal Texas Rangers fan, a few years ago he had a cake shaped like a Ranger's baseball cap.  So in keeping with the theme......
And for my niece, Katie, I went for girly.

I cannot figure out why the pics are uploading sideways.....sorry.  

Saturday, September 18, 2010

trying new things...

Stay tuned for pictures of my new adventure today......fondant!  Of course of it turns out too lame you will see nothing.....

Friday, September 17, 2010

Birthdays all around!

We are finally getting around to having a family dinner to celebrate the boys' birthday.  It is also my Mom's, my niece's and my sister's birthday this month as well. It takes some doing to arrange a time when such a large group can get together in one place.

We are so blessed that our "family" reaches beyond the blood ties of biological relations.  We have the Boverie's, the Zickafoose's and the Jones'(however they will not be joining us tomorrow).  So we end up with quite a crowd.  The boys are so excited, Landry is worried the day will go to slowly.  He is planningon watching 24 episodes of 30min programing to pass the time. 

The menu consists of fajitas, shells and cheese, and bbq wings.  Weird I know but so are my kids.  I will post pictures tomorrow so you can see the cakes....

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


I have been richly blessed with dear friends. I have known many enjoyable, fun people in my life and hope to meet many more.  Many of the people you encounter never become more than acquaintances, some become occasional pals, few are considered chums, and fewer still become close friends.  I have a wealth of chums and am blessed with many close friends that are willing to sacrifice much for my benefit.

I have introduced you to, Dawn and Jenny.  Now let me introduce Kendra.  During the last two years I have developed a precious relationship with a fellow homeschooing mom, Kendra, and as luck would have it she lives right across the street.  Kendra is loads of fun even if she is way younger than me and I simply adore her delightful children.  Ben, her hubby and Scotty are golfing buddies and if only time and finances allowed they would be able to date more often.

I would love to tell you that Kendra and I were drawn to one another through our mutual love of the Lord and  a great desire to please him through our marriages and raising our children.  It was more like we share similar neuroses and because of that link discovered we also share other common goals.  I love the way she encourages me and reminds me that my purpose is to honor God through the tasks He has charged me with, my husband and children.  Her children are a testament to her and Ben's commitment to God.

I love that she helps me laugh at my weirdness and chuckle at my quirks.  I think it is grand that she can acknowledge her strengths and is very willing to confess her own faults.  I'd like to think that since I am so old I am something in the way of an example to her but she is certainly an example for me.  I appreciate who she is and the blessing of our friendship!
This would be last summer at her fondue b-day dinner with the girls!!!

Saturday, September 11, 2010


This is an excellent day!  I finally like a pie.  Well a pie that was baked anyway.  I mean I LOVE Banana Split pie, I have been known to stomach a strawberry pie and I have often enjoyed a Lemon Icebox pie , but I have tried for years to like a traditional baked pie.  Who wouldn't want to indulge what almost everyone in America endorses as a holiday must?  I think pies are a very attractive food, which is important to me, and they smell divine.  So usually at Thanksgiving and Christmas when we pull out all the baking stops, I try to like pie.  This has been an on going challenge for about 20 years now and finally I LIKE PIE!  Well this Schwan's Apple Pie at least.  My problem with pie is usually my aversion to cooked fruit, that has always been a deal breaker for me it has never appealed.  Pecan pie has that gross feeling filling which unfortunately is attached to the crust.  I do, however, love the pecans on the top of the pie so anyone who is willing to take the filling and crust we could work something out.  The next pie I plan to love is Jenny's chocolate pie.  I understand that she makes a rockin' pie and she makes her own crust and meringue.  I think when I like it I will not even care if the meringue shrinks!   I'm not  really sure where this love of or at least toleration of pie will lead, except maybe to bigger pants.  I think the next pie I will try is peach.....or chess.....or well I did say the chocolate!

I would like to make it clear that while it may appear that I am trying in some way to broaden culinary horizons, or be more open minded, it's just not true.  I want to like pie because the people in Mayberry like pie.  I know, weird.  I just don't want you all to get the idea that I plan on trying to like Jello or root beer which I am quite certain are from the devil and should be avoided at all costs.  Much in the way sane people avoid pouring soda on their ice cream, or driving down the wrong side of the road.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Where does the time go?

Hugely Preggers!!  with 2 months before delivery...
9/9/99 was a big day for us.  I was hugely pregnant and not sleeping well.  Scott wasn't hugely anything but he still wasn't sleeping well because I needed the house to be 65 degrees.  At about 4am I got up went to the bathroom, took Allye to the bathroom, laid back down and went "uh-oh I think I just peed on myself!"  (There isn't much glamour in pregnancy and with multiples it just decreases proportionally.)  As it turned out I hadn't peed on myself,(that's a post- pregnancy related side effect that is only problematic on the trampoline) my water had broken or one of them had or something crazy like that.  Hey I don't know there were A LOT of things happening in there!  So we make some calls, one mis-dial, and then off we go to the hospital to have us some babies.  It's possible that I cried.  I'd love to say it was because I was overcome with joy and anticipation about the arrival of our 3 bundles of joy, but that would be a lie.  I was a little ticked about the contractions since I knew I was having a C-section that I'd most likely die from so why the added insult of contractions?  Turns out I didn't die despite the major surgery, and there we had it 3 healthy baby boys!  Ash weighed in at 4.8lbs, Tucker 4.7 and Landry at 3.12.  I may have cried some more...again I wont lie, I was not emotionally overwrought in a good way, I was scared to death!  I was supposed to feed them, clothe them and nurture them into normal people?  YIKES!
First days at home...

Well eleven years have come and gone, and  I can't imagine how that has happened.  I have managed to feed them although not always nutritional masterpieces, clothe them, despite a heartfelt disagreement on what matches what and we are still working on normal....  How, you may wonder, have I managed such feats of parenting?  Well not alone!  We have been blessed in countless ways, and even though I began my journey of mothering multiples in such a faithless fashion, God has never allowed me or my family to go without what we need. Through friends and acquaintances and friends of friends we have been served and showered with love beyond measure.

My boys are a treasure and a bright spot to everyday.  With their bonds of togetherness I see how lovely the relationship of brothers can be. Through their individuality, I see the beauty of God's creation in our free will and his love of us. 

Five.....(don't ask)
Practically Eleven........

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Great Weekend!

Well the summer seems to be officially over.  Labor Day has come and gone and with it the final celebrations of the free and easy season.  Well actually summer was fun but ours seemed to be over scheduled this year.  We didn't make any grand weekend plans but I did get to spend lots of time with Jenny.  I mentioned Jenny in an earlier post, promising to introduce her. I hope you were all anxiously awaiting the big moment! 

Jenny has been my close friend longer than anyone.   We met at church when my family moved from Mississippi to Ohio.  We went to college together and have stayed very close.  We were in each other's weddings, present at the birth of each other's children and we spend every holiday together.  She is my friend, my sister, my family.  She has four kiddos and they are all sweet and funny and smart and partially mine!

Jenny has so many qualities that I wished I possess.  She is so very tidy and organized.  Her patience is seemingly boundless and her willingness to serve limitless.  She has always been very tolerant of my quirks.  I lose things because I'm impulsive and messy, she always would say, "Slow down and you will find it."  I usually would.  It was her idea to have a shelf with a hook to put our keys on in the dorm.  I still use that idea and mostly I know where my keys are, there was the time they turned up at the BP station....

People think she is quiet and shy it's not true.  She's an observer and very good at reading people, so watch out!  I am such a rowdy attention seeker that people think I am outgoing.  I am outgoing but not instead of Jenny being so.   Again all of you should get the opportunity to meet her but remember, I need her more.  I have great fun ideas but I need Jenny around to say, "Sounds great but wouldn't it be safer if...."

Back in the day....
Me, Jenny, Momma and the girl we all spoiled.
With Lydia and Anna
Our Girls!!!!

Our kiddos the best of friends!!!

Monday, September 6, 2010


I plan on creating my own version of this....Instead of spending a whopping $119 per yes that's per canvas, I hope to get it done for $20...

Labor Day!

We didn't make any special plans for a final summer bash this year, or maybe last year either come to think of it.  However, as it turns out Scott had plans I didn't know about and so we are having "girl card night".  The "we" of this operation is Momma, Jenny, Kendra and myself.  I think the game of choice will be Pennies, aka Hand and Foot.  This will only be Kendra's second or third time to play so between our general goofiness and re-explaining the game there should be lots of laughter.

The dinner plans are big ole salads which means I will let my kids eat whatever they want and someone will probably request a pop tart and me being all caught up in girl time and not wanting the distraction of grumbling children will say "fine, have a pop tart but only because I am busy playing with my friends".   Yeah I know, I canceled my flight to the Mother of the Year ceremony months ago, it was around the time one of the boys informed the entire camp that he had a "pokey booger stuck in his nose and mom knew it was there for like a month...."  Really? at 10 I am still responsible for their booger issues?

Now, while I am busy not providing a nutritionally balanced meal for the children the men will be having a fantasy football draft.  That spells a whole world of fun for all of us womenfolk.  Let's think about the pleasures that await us for the next 5 months....(in no particular order)

* Rushing home from church on Sunday to get in front of the TV before the pregame talk is over
* The guy's compulsive need to tell us how each and EVERY one of their players are faring
* Weekly roster selections and heaven help us why they picked who for that week
* Pretending to not only know what they are talking about but also trying to care
* Listening to descriptions of how a play went down and hoping that you sound impressed at the right moment
* Last minute roster changes or worse not making the changes in time and hearing about it all day
* Oh and one of my favorites, a play by play of the actual draft and the"if he went with this guy I was gonna..."

I am quite certain that many other joys of football await us all and we endure indulge our men because we love them for their willingness to work long and hard to provide for our families. 

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Our first meet!!!!

Well today was the big day!  Allye's first XC meet.  She was very nervous, excited but nervous all the same.  Truthfully I was a little nervous too, I knew they'd do well but it's scary doing something new.  We had to leave around 7:30 this morning and she was up and ready at 6:30.  Ordinarily the kids aren't allowed downstairs before 7:30 but today I made an exception.  It was something of a challenge since I DO NOT like conversation before 7:30am and 2 full cups of coffee but I contrived to be a grown up and let it go.   Scott was up at 6:30 asking questions and generally violating all of my morning time regulations.  We even waited for coffee to get to-go cups on the way.  So as you can tell we were really pushing the limits of good fortune here.

We ended up arriving at 8:00 which was a half hour early, Allye declared she was not getting out of the car until 8:30.  Then Scott noticed she was wearing flip flops which apparently violates some secret code of track meets and people may shun you.  I mean, really!, some of the stuff this guy thinks is acceptable for wearing out and he is offended at her shoes she will only be wearing until her run time?  Anyway I digress....So, he fusses at her shoes, she sasses him, she gets in trouble. he gets annoyed, she cries, he gets annoyed...then God sent the coach and magically they are distracted and both get out of the car flip flops and all.  I cleverly stayed in the car and read my book until the Jones' arrived with the distraction for the boys' I had been waiting for, Jacob!

Things went along smoothly and the girls lined up at the start right on time.  They all looked great and were giving it their best.  I got so excited and maybe a bit emotional, I actually ran from our first viewing spot to the next because yelling things like "Stay strong", "Looking great", "Push Harder!" is really fun.  Turns out Al rolled her ankle just before the mile one mark but she stayed with it and ran through the pain.  She had a shoe come untied stopped to tie it and then finished the race in the middle of the pack.  We had seven girls running and they all finished, 4 in the top 20!  As a team we placed 2nd.  Great day!
The TEAM!!! Aren't they precious ferocious?