Tuesday, September 28, 2010

My Momma at 60......

Today is Momma's birthday.  She is 60 years and you know what's terrible about it?  People ask if she's my sister...Well good for her and she does looks great but really???  I can't imagine ANYONE asking if Allye and I are sisters.

My earliest memories are just fleeting images and sensations.  I remember loving to lay my head on her lap and she would repeatedly tuck my hair behind my ear until I fell asleep.  I remember getting in her bed in the middle of the night.  I remember her teaching me to fear cats and mice.  I remember her always making my favorite cake for my birthday, Texas Sheet Cake!   I know she gave me a very happy childhood because when I go to antique stores and resale shops I see toys, dishes, pictures and such, and I want to weep at the good feelings and memory that fills me.

Back in the day....

She taught me many important things.  These are just a sampling...
Iron your clothes.
Love my husband and let him know it.
How to cook.
The proper way to fold fitted sheets.
How to freely open my home to anyone who needs to be there.
Give when you can whatever you can. 
She is still trying to teach me not to worry over what I cannot control.
Do not force your bad mood on others.
Being patient doesn't mean we will eventually get our way.
It's okay to be affectionate in front of my children.
I am not always right.
Body language screams.
God doesn't always give you easy choices.

When I got pregnant for the first time she was thrilled.  I can think of no one better suited to grandparenthood.  Despite the fact that there is no question she indulges my kiddos, she has always fully respected our choices as parents.  She was NOT a fan of our decision to let the kids "cry it out"  when we were training them to put themselves to sleep.  Never did she criticize or try and undermine.  My children are under the impression that Gramms is the place to be for treats and special attention.  I love that!

I often think she spoils me more now that I am an adult than when I was little.  When the boys were born she would come over every night at 3am to help me feed them and sometimes she'd recruit a buddy so I could sleep.  I wonder why she didn't think she ever needed a break?  She is the queen of buying me "happies"  if she sees something she thinks I'd like or have said I want she will pick it up as though it were the most natural of things.  She does everything in her power to facilitate my doing what I enjoy.

If I had to use only one word to describe her it would be SELFLESS, said with an echo for emphasis.  She shares with everybody without thinking it's a sacrifice.  I bet she feeds 20 people or more a week without considering that it increases her grocery bill tremendously.  People just walk into her home, make lunch and leave, often not cleaning up after themselves.  Once they even ate the food she had planned to serve her family for dinner!  Crazy but you know she doesn't complain, or even boast a little....

If I ever grow up I hope to present God as effortlessly and consistently as her.  Thank you Momma for being a great mom, Gramms and friend. 

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