Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Where does the time go?

Hugely Preggers!!  with 2 months before delivery...
9/9/99 was a big day for us.  I was hugely pregnant and not sleeping well.  Scott wasn't hugely anything but he still wasn't sleeping well because I needed the house to be 65 degrees.  At about 4am I got up went to the bathroom, took Allye to the bathroom, laid back down and went "uh-oh I think I just peed on myself!"  (There isn't much glamour in pregnancy and with multiples it just decreases proportionally.)  As it turned out I hadn't peed on myself,(that's a post- pregnancy related side effect that is only problematic on the trampoline) my water had broken or one of them had or something crazy like that.  Hey I don't know there were A LOT of things happening in there!  So we make some calls, one mis-dial, and then off we go to the hospital to have us some babies.  It's possible that I cried.  I'd love to say it was because I was overcome with joy and anticipation about the arrival of our 3 bundles of joy, but that would be a lie.  I was a little ticked about the contractions since I knew I was having a C-section that I'd most likely die from so why the added insult of contractions?  Turns out I didn't die despite the major surgery, and there we had it 3 healthy baby boys!  Ash weighed in at 4.8lbs, Tucker 4.7 and Landry at 3.12.  I may have cried some more...again I wont lie, I was not emotionally overwrought in a good way, I was scared to death!  I was supposed to feed them, clothe them and nurture them into normal people?  YIKES!
First days at home...

Well eleven years have come and gone, and  I can't imagine how that has happened.  I have managed to feed them although not always nutritional masterpieces, clothe them, despite a heartfelt disagreement on what matches what and we are still working on normal....  How, you may wonder, have I managed such feats of parenting?  Well not alone!  We have been blessed in countless ways, and even though I began my journey of mothering multiples in such a faithless fashion, God has never allowed me or my family to go without what we need. Through friends and acquaintances and friends of friends we have been served and showered with love beyond measure.

My boys are a treasure and a bright spot to everyday.  With their bonds of togetherness I see how lovely the relationship of brothers can be. Through their individuality, I see the beauty of God's creation in our free will and his love of us. 

Five.....(don't ask)
Practically Eleven........


  1. Oh. My. Word. Happy birthday to the boys...they've grown SO much!

  2. That is so sweet Candy! I love it and how you showed them growing up. You are a wonderful mom, I can tell! Amazed at how you carried triplets though and went through the baby stage with them. God bles!
