Sunday, October 24, 2010

It is sooo hot in here!

So today I thought I'd confess to some of the things I am not so proud of but I don't seem to be in a hurry to change.  I am not a stellar house keeper.  I want to be a whiz at all things domestic but alas I am not.  I am a fair to good cook, a decent seamstress, a mostly loving wife and mother but I will probably never manage to wash the dishes as I go about my cooking. Thus leaving a giant pile that I have no interest in washing after all that cooking. My dream life involves having clothes in my closet ready to wear not clothes that must meet the iron before adornment can take place.  Even dreaming this dream of life without wrinkles does not inspire me to stand by the dryer ready to hang everything while it is still radiating heat.  I wish to be thin I would even dare say the size of my soul is a shapely size 10 but I can't seem to get past the sweating involved in running. 

All of the above would seem to be victimless crimes and generally speaking they are unless you count me.  However my most grievous and some may say annoying flaw is the direct link between my physical comfort and my ability to be rational.  I do not like to be sweaty, hot, tired, hungry, cold, sad, stressed, itchy, sleepy, confused, or achy.  Really, I know I should just suck it up and deal right?  The problem is Scott.  You see he seems to be a very tolerant person (sometimes this aggravates the problem) and he lets me get away with complaining.  I haven't said or done many things that have resulted in him getting to exasperated with me. However allowing the children to consider shoes as optional year round and adjusting the thermostat from 65-80 with no stops in between, are no crossing zones.  So I have say things like "Do not go out without shoes until at least April!" and I have to ask permission to adjust the temperature in the house.  Honestly he can be a real fun sucker sometimes!

Well all that to say it is VERY hot in this house today. 78degrees!  I mentioned it no less than seven times with no results.  I stood in the front door going in and out breathing loudly to indicate the pleasant outdoor temperature compared to the inside OF OUR HOME!!  Nothing.  It's possible I began ranting about heat stroke and the dangers of excessive sweating and how maybe I could faint from this heat.  Nothing.  While rushing around to get the boys dressed nice for Young Men' s night at church I began to experience stress. Where could the church socks be?  Confusion.  Where on earth had the belts disappeared to?  Of course my temperature was at atomic levels by now and I couldn't even think!  Did Scott care?  No, he was giving some lame excuse about between seasons and dealing with it.  I had to take off my shirt lay on the bed and absorb all the coolness I could, which let me tell there wasn't much.  I yelled for no one to touch me.  And Scott just hovered over me, exuding heat I may add, laughing!  Yes that's right laughing at my pain.  Finally I had to finish finding the boys' things so I got dressed and headed up stairs to complain look for the belts.  The boys' were concerned they asked why I was so hot so I told them their dad was a sadist and refuse to cool the house for me.

Now I do not need any dogooder improvers of mankind to point out that a.) If I were a stellar housekeeper I'd have known where the socks and belts were  b) If I were at the dryer hanging up warm clothes I would not have needed to use the hot iron, and c)  If I dropped a few pounds my body temperature would most likely not escalate to such a degree.  See, I know stuff!

1 comment:

  1. You just made my day! Sadly it is not because I am right there with you on the poor housekeeping stuff or lack of desire to wash dishes (the one and only pan I used to make dinner last night is still sitting dirty on the stove). But you said a size 10 is a desirable size and I am proud to say that for the first time since high school, this is my size! So sorry about your misery with the heat - I am happy!
