Sunday, October 10, 2010

Weekend with the teens....

So this weekend I chaperoned an event for the youth at our church.  The event was a youth rally called FallFest.  It was wonderfully fun and spiritually uplifting.  I always enjoy time with the teens and I learn so much.  I find their personalities refreshing and charming; although, I will say that sometimes they should be knocked in the head.  I suppose I should think they are weird, but I don't.  I guess that is pretty telling about my state of mind.....  I know they think I am weird and for Allye's sake I hope she doesn't mind. 

We laughed lots, stayed up very late and had conversations ranging from the silly to the potentially life changing.  I will never understand parents who do not see how crucial it is to share in these kinds of moments.  I know I will not be able to be present every moment with my children when emotions are high and their hearts are ripe for change, but you can bet that I will have shared enough of them that they will be burning with desire to fill me in and pray. 

What I don't understand are those who treat youth events and youth group as though it were a paid service that is to be used to fill the weekends and keep the kids out of trouble.  It is an avenue, a tool, a resource for opening the hearts of our youth and showing them the blessings of fellowship and relationship we can have through Christ.  Sharing in this part of their lives shows our commitment to their salvation.  I don't get in Allye's space, I let her play and laugh and sing and pray within her group.  I am just present.  They(the group) will  come find me and bring me in keep me close, they want us, as their parents and loving adults they trust, to be the steady voice of reason that gives them the courage to let some walls come down and begin to acknowledge that there is a need for Christ and salvation and they are not invincible or alone.

Many in this group of teens have been in my life since they were in diapers, that makes my attachment to them all the stronger.  I love them and I want only the best for them.  I want only the Godliest of things for them and I pray I share only His standards of purity, modesty and sincerity as I influence their hearts.  

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