Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Once again it's Wednesday......

My becoming a star witness doesn't seem to be panning out.  I embraced a child at church tonight, gave him instructions as though he were my own and then he turned around and said "Hi, Ms. Candy!"  So I am discouraged, if I can't pick the child of my womb out of a line up what hope is there for me?

I also seem to be failing in the mature woman of 40-something department.  Although I am not quite 40 I should at least be semi mature right?  Well not so much.  Allye was telling the boys and me something about her friend saying of you lick someone's elbow they can't feel it.  Well obviously I had no choice but to put my elbow in Tucker's face and insist he lick it.  Then I licked his and Ash licked Allye's and Allye licked Ash's. Landry not excelling at hand washing was not included in this activity.  It was a grand experiment but probably should not have taken place while driving down the road.  It is also possible that in class tonight when a certain charming young lady was painting her picture of Moses and said "I am getting some orange for my tits (instead of sticks maybe)."  I laughed out loud.   Yes, I am a grown up....kind of......

I took the boys to the glorious wonderland of the Wal Mart toy aisle today and they bought a new toy.  Yes that's right all three of them got a new toy that compliments the purchase of their brother's, it was a rare and beautiful moment of peace and harmony that lasted through the check out line and into the car where a heated discussion ensued about who went first........

Then it was off to laser tag, a new activity for us.  Apparently it was AWESOME!!!  You can run inside, in the dark, yell and scream and point your gun at someone.  What, I ask you, is there not to love?  So they played 3 games and according to the polls the villains prevailed each outing.  So today at "recess", we learned that the bad guys win and when shooting shoot to kill.

It was off to the Jones' home for dinner.  I must say it was excellent and made me feel very happy inside.  The boys being very excited about their new toy brought it in to force Jacob to play with them.  Tucker excitedly informed me that buying these toys was a great investment because they had given up video games ever since they got it. So let me recap.....3:30 purchase of toys, 4:00-6:00 laser tag, and 6:15-6:30 said statement of video game abstinence.  Yes I think I changed their lives today!!!!

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