Monday, November 1, 2010

Game night isn't all about winning, but that's fun too.

On Thursday Momma and I thought it'd be a great idea to have a girl game night so we set it for Friday.  Turns out it was.  So many good things came of this evening!  Let me begin be saying that anytime you are with people you love good things have happened.

The evening began with dinner, first good thing, yummy yummy slow roasted beef!  Momma asked Jenny to pick up so rolls, which she interpreted as "go home and make them from scratch", second good thing.  I only had to make brownies and this was optional, third good thing.  Third and fourth if you count to bowl licking portion if the day.  We played Pennies( or Hand and Foot if you like, it canasta)  and Jenny and I won ( I won't say who we beat) fourth good thing!  It was fun.

Quite possibly the most productive of our activities was the list.  What list you ask?  Let me tell you......

I was VERY casually and kindly informing my mother of yet another something from my childhood that maybe my parents should not have allowed.  So she flipped to a clean piece of paper and said "Why don't we just make a list?"  Now while I would have NEVER considered the idea of enumerating, on paper no less, the flaws of my parents I do like to indulge their requests, so make a list we did.

~  When we were children, we shot fireworks on Christmas Eve(I don't know either).  This was not the problem, we were in charge of ourselves.  We would shoot the roman candles first so that we could use the spent tubes as rocket holders for our bottle rocket wars.  Yes we aimed at each other.  The real issue was the item we were given to ignite our fireworks, as you may have already guessed, it was in fact a shovel of coal from the fire place.  I know for sure they like their grandkids better than us because this would not be permitted for them.

~ Loveboat (Captain Stubing even annouced he likes "mountains" the Dolly Parton kind!)
~Happy Days.  I know what those kids were up to now.
~Grease.  Although I am not sure this should be on the list she says it should.
~She let me go to the mall alone with my friends, now if my daughter finds out she will want to...
~I tried to get her to put Preston as a bad influential brother on there but she refused.

~Most recently I discovered that it is quite possible that an item on this list is what mutated my ovaries and may even have been the cause of my having multiples.  When we were young we lived in a neighborhood where the ice cream truck would rattle through and we would be so EXCITED!  Especially if we were in a position to get a treat.   We also had this other cool truck that would rattle through the neighborhood regularly.  It was a very exciting fog truck!  Yeah, I know right?   I mean we would run to the edge of the street and dance and jump around in the fog squealing with excitement.  It was pure joy as we followed as far as we were allowed filling our hearts, lungs and nasal passages with the fog.  It was such fun that  we were able to ignore the smell and taste of the pesticide fumes that were being sprayed in order to create this awesome fog for us to play in.  Curious, huh?

Now we never got to the list of good things......

~My dad used to play records on the stereo and dance around the house with me.
~My parents used to play Uno, Aggravation, and Yahtzee with us all the time.
~My parents taught us that Christmas is magic.
~My parents showed us that if you can do it for someone there is no reason not to.
~My parents gave me a childhood so happy I can't visit a flea market or antique store without a teary trip down memory lane.
~My parents let my brother write on the wall that girls were silly so that when he had a crush they could remind him of his previous ideas on females.
~My parents used to let us paint our faces like clowns whenever we took a notion.
~My parents would always take the time to watch whatever dance I made up to my current Olivia Newton-John favorite.
~My parents showed us how fun it is to open your home to friends.
~My parents taught us honesty is crucial.
~My parents taught me to love God and to trust Him.

Yep they did a good job.  Thanks Momma and Daddy.

1 comment:

  1. I would like to second the fact that your parents are AMAZING! They, as well as you and your family, will always have a special place in my heart. Even though our time living there was short, the friendships and love will always be!
    Angie Woods
