Tuesday, November 23, 2010

I'll probably live.....

Back in the day, I think I was 1 here....

It happened,  I turned 40.  Dah dah duhhnnnn.......  Maybe there wasn't actually any startling, mood setting music to announce the day but hey, it kinda feels like a crescendoish sort of moment!

I still don't know how I'm feeling about this momentous occasion.  I really like my birthday because it's so near Thanksgiving, and I love Thanksgiving.  Spending the day with people I love without worrying that
I should be doing something else = magic.  However, I did take a bath to relax last night and ended up hosting a crying jag.  Hmmmm.....  If you ask why I was crying I couldn't say, maybe because I fear the early or even inevitable onset of menopause.  I reeeaallly am not looking forward to hot flashes.  It's possible I cried just because I got soap in my eye.  Either way I consoled myself by not setting my alarm for this morning, so I slept until 7:30 and no one else was up yet!  Happy Birthday to me!

I decided to give time travel a try and see what about my early, middle and now this later portion of my life I could recall.  Let's see how it goes..........

I remember my parents telling me I was born in an army hospital I always thought that was cool.  When I was in 5th grade, we went on a trip to Wyoming and they said we were going to see where I was born.  When we got to Ft. Hood, Texas I was so disappointed that I couldn't see the tents.....Yes we were a M.A.S.H. family.

I remember when I was little I wanted my named to be Suzy Mae.  I made everyone call me that or Suzy Q.  It stuck pretty well I still have an Aunt who only calls me Suze.

I remember that my uncle used to tickle me until I could only squeal, he said he'd stop when I quit squealing.  This probably explains many things.....

I remember going through a peanut butter and pickle sandwich phase.  Yes gross.  Must have been a shock value thing.

I remember in Kindergarten at Morgantown Elementary falling in love with Jay Toney.

I remember learning about the great honor we should pay the American Flag and should it ever touch the ground it might as well be burnt.  Unfortunately,I heard "Don't ever let the flag touch the ground because it will spontaneously combust." Yes I spent my early elementary years terrified of our flag.

I remember that Christmas was indeed magic!

I got a Barbie Dream house like this...
A Fresh and Fancy kit like this...

This Drowsy Doll
My newest toy!
And so many other awesome things! 

I remember Shaun Cassidy.
I remember my Yo-Yo's 

I remember when I realized with great sadness that I was not meant to be tan.  In 7th grade at church my Mamaw very sweetly and loudly complimented me on my new yellow outfit and my nice white panty hose.......  I was wearing a flipflop style sandal.....no hosiery.

I remember when I was about 7 or 8 and I loved Snoopy.  My Papaw made me a Snoopy shaped shadow box and filled each box with a snoopy character.

I remember the turning point in my friendship with Jenny when we both knew that we were meant to be life long besties.  Yes, Isis brought us together.  Our shared memory of that classic but little known piece of 70's TV.

I remember calling home from college one day and this guy I didn't know answered the phone.  We got to talking and eventually I came home from school and we met.  He was lots of fun and he seemed not to mind that I'm complicated, so I married him.
I "heart" him!

1 comment:

  1. Awwww! I heart this post! Happy 40th! You're never going to get old, so you needn't worry.

    I LOVE your new toy! (I got myself one this summer. I majorly <3 it. When I'm not trying to convince myself that I'm actually a writer in a tubby mommy body disguise.) I have a lot of cartridges if you want to try before you buy...

    I <3 your red hair. I've always wanted red hair. And a personality like yours. You are a special and wonderful woman. I'm glad you got to sleep in. And I hope you have a truly cool birthday. Remember, 40 is the new 30.
